As you all know, I'm working on making the post for CindyL. into a book to give her. I'd like to share with you my ideas here and ask for your suggestions on a few things.
First, my ideas.
I have a title that I'm not happy with so if any of you have suggestions, I would be grateful. Let me just say, I will choose a title that I find fitting. I'm not looking for drama. I'm asking for help. Please do not be offended if I don't choose your title. I don't want to hurt anyone, or slight any one. That is definately NOT my intention. (I love you all)
I AM happy with my author, A. R. Friends.
I want RNG's recipe in the front with everyones comments/ratings.
Then, I want the thread, much as we see it without the opening on every page. Just a continuous "conversation".
After that, I want to include the recipes in cookbook form so that she will have a useful cookbook, as well as our silliness and warm wishes.
I have a cousin who is an IT manager at a bank and she will make time for me this weekend to teach me how to convert this to PDF format (crash course) so it can be printed and bound. There is a book publisher online that I hope to use if I hear back from them (free consult). If I don't hear back from them, I may have to take the whole project to a book bindery in my town. At any rate, this will follow AFTER I've converted the whole thing.
The final expense will depend on how many pages are involved. I'm certain it will be well over $100.00, but I will keep you all informed. I am determined to see this through, even if I have to save up my own money to do it.
Now, here's a sticky wicket. We love our avatars. I know I love my avatar. It would be very helpful for the continuity of the project, if after I start converting, you do not change your avatar. I promise that once I start, I will stay on it until I'm finished and then it won't matter anymore. But, you see, if I start and in the middle you change your avatar, you will appear as two different people in the "conversation". I will not start before next Monday. So, if you want to change it between now and then, that's fine. After that, until the thread is completed, it would be helpful if you kept your avatar the same. I'll let you know when that part is finished.
I expect the recipes will take me longest anyway as I want to "organize" them into cookbook format so that it is easy for Ms. Cindy to use.
You all have been wonderful to help with this! Posting for pictures, etc. It makes me very emotional.
Also, for the cover, I thought one of the pictures of Marley might be nice. Since that is how we "see" her and Marley will be her closest companion and comfort in the days ahead.
I can't thank you all enough.
This isn't "my" project, although I'll be making the final decisions. I didn't (couldn't) have written that conversation. I want very much to be respectful of all of you and hope you understand.
Thanks so much, for being you.