Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day 2010

Our house is full of sweets. Yesterday was my birthday so Hannah made me a cake.
I had decided awhile ago to make the Hugs and Kisses Brownie for Valentines Day.
I made a Ghiradelli Double Chocolate Brownie mix, to which I added 3/4 c. Special Dark chips.
When the brownie came out of the oven, a tiny piece of the edge stuck to the pan. No matter, thought I.
I will just place the Hugs and Kisses strategically.
So I did.
On the hot brownie.
These are the Hugs and Kisses I used.
The Kisses are Cookies and Cream Kisses.
The Hugs are regular Hugs.
This is what it looked like after the melty Hugs and Kisses were smeared all over the brownie.
I'm not certain this is what I had in mind, but Hannah and John sure had fun with it.
This is Hannah and John. I'm vertically challenged next to these two. Hannah is 6 ft. tall. John is 17.
While we played around in the kitchen, with food and cameras, the dogs pursued their own ends.
We caught Ripple texting and playing video games.
And Rosie was getting ready to go out in the cold.
So, all is right with the world and I have to do dishes.
Happy Valentines Day!!