Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Living In Gratitude

Oprah started all that "gratitude" stuff back in the ninety's. I took it to heart. It has been a blessing in my life. Especially when I was feeling "down". I've had a lot of feeling down, as probably have most of you. It's my belief that everyone is carrying a burden of some sort. Some you can see, others you cannot. Some are a heavier load than others and on some blessed days, you're even able to forget about your burdens for a bit. Be kind to each other. Smile. It's easy and costs you nothing. It may even help you feel better.

Thank you again, my Unknown friends, for your generosity. It has caused me to spend some time pondering how I should/would like to proceed with my AR blog. Thank you to all of you who responded to my request on the Buzz. 

When I first came to AR, I had been unemployed for just over a year, just starting the second half of my fifth decade on the planet. Still recovering from a divorce, after 21 years of marriage and the shattered  dream of a lifelong partnership, a broken vehicle, a broken oven. . .a "Brokedown Palace", a teenaged son (17) and a daughter (21) just returned home from another state. I learned how to fix my broken oven. . .not so much the vehicle. I've learned to dream new dreams and clean up a broken life. My "Brokedown Palace" is still that. But I love my home, broken she may be, we are trying to help her along.

I am grateful for my home, health, meager retirement funds and possibilities.

I have one comment here about divorce. Divorce is an ugly thing. Don't do it unless it's impacting your health (mental and/or physical) is my advice. It's like dying, only you don't. You will not come out the other side without damage. Recovery is long and hard. But you CAN regain your health, mental, spiritual and physical, and make your own happiness and contentment. 

All my houseplants died except one African violet. She still blooms for me on a regular basis.

Our beloved dog Samhain had to be euthanized in Dec.  2005. My initial reaction to this was I don't want another dog EVER. After crying for two solid weeks, every day, the only solution I could see for my recovery was to find another companion. So, I found my buddy Ripple. I feel that was when I made the turn to getting my life back. And even then, it was a slow process.

In Aug. 2006, I hurt my knee and had to have knee surgery. I'm not a "Dr." type person, but thankfully, medicine can "fix" so many things! Before this surgery, I understand how people  would have been permanently disabled, walking with a cane and in pain for the rest of their lives. I'm grateful for beneficial medical progress. 

I was still beating myself up for not having a job when I came to AR in 2009. With the help of all you wonderful folks, I'm happy to say, I'm over that. 

My friend Ms.Blume asked me to share her feelings with you. When I speak to her of all of your kindnesses to me, she is moved to tears. She wants you to know that through you, to me her hope for humanity is restored.

My whole house was a wreck. My back yard was a thistle garden. I know that sounds bad, but even that had it's "perks". Thistles are really beautiful when they bloom en masse like that and we had the BONUS of a backyard full of yellow finches. They were EVERYWHERE! 

Today, things are much improved. My DS says "Why don't we have any BEFORE pictures of the stuff you've done?" I think to myself, BECAUSE you don't want anyone to SEE any of that. (Although, I do kind of regret not having shots of the thistles and the finches.) 

It's funny, but it's not. It was a testament to sadness and despair and that's NOT what I want my life to be about.

So, I'm going to share some photos of my plants, my front room and my entryway "in progress". I say that tongue in cheek. Everything is "in progress". Which is a GOOD thing :).

I mostly stood in one spot to take all these pictures. A couple of them were taken awhile ago and I decided to include them. To the left of this picture is the wide entryway. We call my room "The Library". This is the south wall.
 This is the west wall, various close ups of certain spots. I think this wall is due for a change. I'm thinking red. Also, the kids don't want the TV cabinet in their room anymore so I will probably take it and slide it under those shelves.
 Crochet pattern bookshelf.
My chair and "table" and current crochet project (a cardigan for my sis for Christmas). 

 This is the NorthWest corner. We heat room by room in the winter so that curtain only hangs there in the winter. My computer room is through there.

 All the plants in the Library are in front of east windows.

Given to me by a friend whose mother picked this up in Mexico after her passing.  

 Long view of what's on top of the North wall shelves.
We have a separate dining nook. This is my personal table in the library. I can listen to cd's or the radio and have my coffee. Although, I frequently have my coffee at the computer. I work the Sunday crossword here. And feed my friends.
 These plants are all in the computer room. Note the PVC budget hanging rod. I did use a stud finder to place the hooks because I didn't want the whole works to come crashing down.
 These sit on an octagon garage sale find table.
These are on an antique ironing board. These are all in a West window.
 These are in the dining nook. Another west window.
 Looking out my kitchen window (also a west window). Notice the paintball target. That's a prayer plant hanging. It leaks when watered so it must hang here until next spring when it can be re potted.
 Wisdom rocks from IndianaPeggy and my after dishwashing hand cream.
 My sparkle ornament. Hangs on the cabinet next to the sink.
My entryway in progress. I'm laying linoleum through the entire downstairs. It's inexpensive, looks ok, and easy to clean. I'm piecing the edges with what I have left. It will never be seen when it's finished. I've become quite good at laying linoleum.  
This is what you get when you have a drool flinger. 
This is the best clean up for drool flinging. 
I have a hard time getting rid of books, but I've decided these must GO! Seriously. I still have piles in my room *the shame of it all*.

What I'm reading now.

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